
E.Saxey is a queer Londoner, who works in Universities and volunteers in libraries.

Their short speculative fiction orbits around students and archives, sex and gender, and history and memory. Their work has appeared in Apex Magazine, Lightspeed’s Queers Destroy Science Fiction, and anthologised in collections including Transcendent and Best of British Fantasy.

A collection of short fiction, Lost in the Archives, is available from Lethe Press.

Their first novel, Unquiet, is a claustrophobic Gothic delight set in Victorian London, with excursions to folk horror in the West of England.

Find them on Twitter.

The name of this site is taken from the poem ‘Jenny’ by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The narrator looks at a young woman, and exclaims:

You know not what a book you seem,
Half-read by lightning in a dream!

It’s a weird snippet of representation, sex and writing: a woman turns into a book, and an object of desire becomes an object of study.